Tuesday, January 3, 2012


As a hat-tip to Daddy Bear's '30 days of Heinlein', I'm doing something I'm rather chagrin to admit - I'm finally going to read some of Heinlein's books.  They've been on my 'need to read' list for years but haven't made it off the shelf and onto my nightstand.  So, I've snagged The Moon is a Harsh Mistress to start tonight; any other recommendations? 

*Edited:  3 hours later and 10 chapters in & I'm having flashbacks to college days of buying a new book and reading until dawn, uh-oh!


Alan said...

All of them. Srsly.

Some are better than others but it's all good.

jon spencer said...

Alan's correct.

ZerCool said...

Alan is right, but my personal favorites are "Glory Road", "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress", and "Farnham's Freehold".

With special emphasis on "Glory Road".

DaddyBear said...

My favorite has always been "The Past Through Tomorrow", which is a bunch of his pulp fiction stories collected into one volume. Great introduction to his work.

Chasing Freedom said...

"All of them" it is then... what next after _The Moon is a Harsh Mistress_?

Old NFO said...

Glory Road! And yep, you WILL be up all night...LOL Read Glory Road and Farnam's Freehold again on the airplane on the way here yesterday!

Jay G said...

"The Cat Who Walked Through Walls" is good, as is "Friday".

I was the oddball who actually *liked* "Stranger in a Strange Land", too.

But Alan is correct - it is ALL good...

karrde said...

If no one has mentioned Starship Troopers and The Puppet Masters, they are worth putting on the queue.

Perhaps after Farnham and Glory Road.